1、超声波清洗槽内配置冷凝盘管,能有效的控制易燃易爆清洗溶剂的挥发速度和温度,提高设备安全性。 2、防爆电柜可切断可燃气体与99精品欧美一区二区蜜桃免费电气控制单元接触的可能性,从而防止99精品欧美一区二区蜜桃免费在清洗过程中燃烧和爆炸,避免火宅的发生。 3、采用多工位高频超声波组合对轰方式,高频超声波换能器,既可深入缝隙清洗,又不损伤工……
1. ultrasonic cleaning tank equipped with condensing coil, can effectively control the volatile velocity and temperature of flammable and explosive cleaning sol……
1. ultrasonic cleaning tank equipped with condensing coil, can effectively control the volatile velocity and temperature of flammable and explosive cleaning sol……
1. ultrasonic cleaning tank equipped with condensing coil, can effectively control the volatile velocity and temperature of flammable and explosive cleaning sol……
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