1、多频可选:28、40、68、80、100、120、132、200KHz; 2、采用进口高效能超声波换能器(工业级震头),力度集中,清洁效果强; 3、采用304不锈钢做内胆,纯手工氩焊,加厚至2mm,结实耐用; 4、数码控时,1-99分钟/小时可调,显示更精准; 5、恒温系统,20-95°C可……
1、采用进口高效能超声波换能器(工业级震头),力度集中,清洁效果强; 2、采用304不锈钢做内胆,纯手工氩焊,加厚至2mm,结实耐用; 3、数码控时,1-99分钟/小时可调,显示更精准; 4、恒温系统,20-95°C可调,配有不锈钢发热管,加热更快; 5、可调功率,根据用户清洗需求来调节超声波功……
1, the use of imported high-efficiency Ultrasonic transducer, concentrated strength, cleaning effect; 2, the use of 304 stainless steel tank, manual argon we……
1, the use of imported high-efficiency Ultrasonic transducer, concentrated strength, cleaning effect; 2, the use of 304 stainless steel tank, manual argon we……
1, the use of imported high-efficiency Ultrasonic transducer, concentrated strength, cleaning effect; 2, the use of 304 stainless steel tank, manual argon we……
1, the use of imported high-efficiency Ultrasonic transducer, concentrated strength, cleaning effect; 2, the use of 304 stainless steel tank, manual argon we……
1, the use of imported high-efficiency Ultrasonic transducer, concentrated strength, cleaning effect; 2, the use of 304 stainless steel tank, manual argon we……
1, the use of imported high-efficiency Ultrasonic transducer, concentrated strength, cleaning effect; 2, the use of 304 stainless steel tank, manual argon we……
1, the use of imported high-efficiency ultrasonic transducer, compared with the same equipment to install more transducers, cleaning force is more powerful, hig……
1、concave control panel: ergonomics, easy to operate, to prevent liquid from splashing; 2、adopt imported high efficiency Ultrasonic transducer, concentrated ……
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